No bank strike today as IBA, unions agree on employee demands

 The unions had hovered to go on strike protesting against staff layoffs, outsourcing in banks, and detention in enforcing pay envelope modification in some banks, among other issues. 

 Bank hand unions have remitted a civil strike blazoned on November 19 after contentious issues were resolved at a meeting held between unions and banks at a meeting called by the principal labour manager( CLC) in Delhi. 

" Understandings reached on all issues. IBA and banks agreed to resolve the issues bilaterally. Hence our strike is remitted," C H Venkatachalam, general clerk of All India Bank Employee Association( AIBEA) told Moneycontrol on November 18. 

 At the meeting, the CLC advised IBA and unions to bandy contentious issues while the Government representative too requested the bank hand unions to cancel their strike, Venkatachalam said. 

 The unions had hovered to go on strike protesting against staff layoffs, outsourcing in banks, and detention in enforcing pay envelope modification in some banks, among other issues. 

 Several banks, including Bank of Baroda and Punjab & Sind Bank, had formerly informed their guests about the implicit impact on services if November 19 strike materalises. Some impact on cash deposit and pullout, clearing of cheques was anticipated in the event of a strike. 


 before, to bandy the contentious issues, IBA had met the representatives of AIBEA in Mumbai on November 16. But, the meeting had ended inconclusive. latterly, the CLC called a meeting in Delhi on 18 November. 

 Unions had contended that outsourcing of jobs by some of the banks are putting sequestration of guests and their plutocrat at threat piecemeal from reduction in reclamation at the lower position. 

 Venkatachalam contended that in Citi Bank, in the name of dealing their consumer division business to Axis Bank, the operation is trying to abolish all workmen in this Division and retrench all the pastoral staff. 

" Our Union is contending with the Bank to bandy and sort out the issue but operation is refusing to bandy with the Union and therefore, the jobs of our workers are hanging under Damoclessword.However, what differently we can do than to fight back," said Venkatachalam, If our job security is hovered .  

 Unions also cited issues in other banks including MUFG Bank( Bank of Tokyo) and Standard Chartered Bank including terminations of workers joining trade unions. 

 Venkatachalam contended that in Catholic Syrian Bank and DBS Bank(e-Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 11th dual pay envelope modification is yet to be given." workers have observed 13 strikes so far in unqualified Syrian Bank. But operation is still adamant. What differently we can do than to fight back," Venkatachalam said. 


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