Narendra Modi Says that "Technology is weapon against poverty"

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India is using technology as a armament against poverty, as he nearly inaugurated the 25th Bengaluru Tech Summit on Wednesday morning. 


 “ For a long time, technology was seen as an exclusive sphere, only for the' high and potent', India has shown how to homogenize technology," Modi said. 

The mobile and data revolution had helped with the proliferation of smart phones in India, leading to further growth in pastoral areas over civic metropolises. 


" In India, technology is a force of equivalency and commission," he said citing exemplifications of the health insurance scheme Ayushman Bharat which druggies can pierce online or the vaccination crusade against the Covid- 19 contagion, which was run over the online Cowin platform. There are also schemes that collude land in pastoral areas using drones, which helps in reducing land controversies, he said 

Government doors also had several online educational courses for scholars, he said. 


" During the epidemic, low data costs helped poor scholars attend online classes, without which scholars would have been deprived of education for two whole times. India is using technology as a armament in the war against poverty," he said, in apre-recorded communication. 

Modi, who's presently attending the G- 20 peak in Indonesia, spoke nearly. 


 Modi also cited the GeM gate or the Governmente-Marketplace gate, which helps small dealers directly tender services to colorful government departments. 

n this way, technology has helped small businesses find big guests and reduced the compass of corruption, he said. 


 “ India is no more a place for red videotapes, it's known for red carpet for diligence, Modi said, citing advancements in FDI( Foreign Direct Investment) reforms, manumissions of drone rules, the semi captain sector, product incitement schemes in colorful sectors and the rise in ease of doing business. 

" Your trust and our tech gift can make effects be. as we lead the world in working its problems," Modi added. 


 Modi addedtalent pool has helped the country jump to the 40th position on the Global Innovation Index, where India before ranked 81 in 2015, Modi added. 

He said that the number of unicorn startups in the country has also doubled due to India's gift pool. 


 Describing Bengaluru as the" home of technology", he said that the megacity was" number one on India's Innovation Index" and that" it is an inclusive and innovative megacity." 

Bengaluru Tech Summit is being organised by the Department of Electronics, IT, Bt, S&T, Government of Karnataka along with Software Technology Parks of India. 


 The central theme of the peak is' Tech4NexGen' and it'll concentrate on electronics, IT, deep tech, biotech, and startups. 

It's a India Time !

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